Thursday, November 28, 2019

Pardoner’s tale Essay Example Essay Example

Pardoner’s tale Essay Example Paper Pardoner’s tale Essay Introduction There are many connections between the Pardoner’s tale and his own character. He too is guilty of many of the sins committed in the story. One wonders whether the Pardoner might actually behave in the same way as the men in the tale. These connections are what make the tale appropriate for the Pardoner to tell it to the Pilgrims.The first obvious connection between the Pardoner and his tale, that makes it appropriate for him to tell, is â€Å"avarice† or the greed of money. The Pardoner preaches against â€Å"avarice†, whilst openly admitting to the rest of the Pilgrims that he himself is guilty of this sin, â€Å"That I wol live in poverte wilfully. Nay, nay, I thoughte it nevere trewely!† In fact, his whole life is based around avarice, as being a Pardoner is more than a job to him, it is a way of life.It seems that he has spent a long time perfecting his preaching techniques of rhetoric to enable him to take as much money from people as possible. He dem onstrates his greed for money (and possessions) several times, â€Å"I wol have moneie, wolle, chese, and whete,/.of the povereste widwe in a village/ Al sholde hir children sterve for famine.† This is extremely cruel, but we have to wonder how many of the Pardoner’s comments are bravado rather than actual truth. We also wonder if these comments might be used to impress his ‘good friend’ the Summoner!The tale itself is based around â€Å"avarice† and the moral of the story is that greed for money, along with blasphemy and other sins, leads to death. Each man individually shows â€Å"avarice†. The young man in the town first shows his greed when he says, â€Å"if so were that I mighte/ Have al this tresor to myself allone†. He then goes on to buy poison and contaminates the two bottles of wine meant for the other rioters. This is â€Å"avarice† working in its strongest form; driving a man to murder. The other rioters show the sam e form of â€Å"avarice† when they plot to kill the youngest rioter. This also leads one to wonder if the rioter who suggested killing the youngest man would then move on to kill the other man so that he would end up with all of the gold to himself. The listener thinks that it is probable that his â€Å"avarice† would drive him to this, just as the Pardoner would go to lengths to quench his thirst for money.The theme of death is another link between the Pardoner and his tale. This theme can be seen in the forms of both physical and spiritual death. The tale begins with death and ends with it. Death, along with â€Å"avarice†, is the central theme of the story. Death is also referred to literally, as a person, and then reverts to being metaphorical. It could be said that the Pardoner is death personified, as death is linked with â€Å"avarice† in the tale and his whole life is based on this. The Pardoner’s whole life leads toward death because he is spiritually dead. He has no beliefs obvious to the listener and seems like an empty shell of human being only wanting one thing from life; money. His lack of religious faith is demonstrated as soon as we meet the Pardoner in the General Prologue when he sings a worldly song, â€Å"Com hider, love, to me†, rather than a hymn or a Christian song. Like the Pardoner himself, death is personified in the tale, â€Å"a privee theef men clepeth Deeth†.At the end of the tale, the listener realises that death is metaphorical and not physical when the rioters die because they hold death within themselves through their â€Å"avarice†. Death is also used to create irony both in the tale and in connection with the Pardoner. It is ironic that the Pardoner is spiritually dead because his work is religious. He is the opposite of who he is supposed to be. The irony in the tale originates in the oath the three rioters swear to, â€Å"To live and dien of hem for oother.† Th is is ironic because they all swear to live and die for each other and they do all end up dying for one another. This irony is continued with a statement saying that they were real blood brothers, â€Å"As though he were his owene ybore brother.† The shedding of blood is symbolic of death and so after they become ‘blood brothers’ it means that they all die if one dies; their destinies are connected. Death is also featured in a more concentrated form of the old man. He wishes he could die but death escapes his. This ironically contrasts with the rioters for whom death is lying in wait.The moral aspect of the tale also is appropriate to the Pardoner’s fate at the end of his storytelling. The moral of the tale be interpreted not just as the aforementioned sins lead to death, but also as every person gets what they deserve from life. The rioters in the tale plotted to kill one another so perhaps it was just that they all ended up with the same fate, â€Å"ano n they stroven bothe two.Thus ended been thise homicides two,/ And eek the false empoisonere also.† This moral is also true for the Pardoner, but to a lesser extent. It must be remembered that the Pardoner has told the Pilgrims an awful lot about how greedy he is and how he tricks money out of people, he has even told them one of his sermons.It is this that leads to his downfall with the host when he asks the Pilgrims to give him money so their sins will be absolved. The listener believes that he gets what he deserves when the host replies, â€Å"Thou woldest make me kisse thyne olde breech,/ and swere it were a relick of a Seint†. The Pardoner is left speechless, for once, and has to suffer the embarrassment of being made to ‘kiss and make up’ with the host by the knight.Betrayal is a characteristic present in both the Pardoner and his tale. The Pardoner makes it his life’s work to betray people. He tells them that he wants to help them and free the m from sin, when really he wants to take their money from them for himself, â€Å"By this gaude have I wonne, yeer by yeer,/ An hundred mark sith I was a Pardoner.† He also betrays the people who he preaches to in church when tricking them into giving money in a different manner, â€Å"If any.That hath doon sinne horrible, that he/ Dar nat for shame of it yshriven be,.Swich folk shal have no power ne no grace/ To offren to my relicks†.By telling the congregation that anyone who has committed the worst sins cannot touch his relics, he is forcing them to pay because they do not want everyone else to think they have performed an awful sin. The Pardoner uses a number of other similar techniques to betray people and trick them into giving money to him. He also tells the congregation that he has a â€Å"bulle† or document from the â€Å"pope†. This makes him appear to be credible and trustworthy, but the listener realises the extreme unlikelihood of this statem ent being true. There is also much betrayal shown in the Pardoner’s tale. The most obvious treachery is each rioter plotting against another.This is summed up most clearly by the two men who stay with the gold, â€Å"thou strogelest with him as in a game,/ And with thy daggere looke thou do the same;/ And thane shal al this gold be departed be,/ .betwixt me and thee†. This betrayal is very important, as it is representative of each of the group. Each in the group would be willing to betray the other for their own means and so they each face an ill end. Another form of disloyalty in the tale is from the old man. The old man directs the three rioters towards the gold, knowing what they will do to each other; he tells them Death is waiting there for them and he is right, except for the fact that it is not a person it is literally their deaths, â€Å"‘if that yow be so leef/ To find Deeth, turne up this croked way†. It has been suggested that this old man is d eath, but in my opinion he is not as he wants to die himself and also because the death of each of the rioters comes from inside themselves.Lastly, there is a link between the brazen nature of the tale that makes it appropriate for the Pardoner to tell it. The Pardoner is audacious in the way that he tells the Pilgrims about his trickery, â€Å"I wol have moneie, wolle, chese, and whete,/.of the povereste widwe in a village/ Al sholde hir children sterve for famine.† This is very over the top and pitiless. The Pardoner is also very brazen after he finishes telling the Pilgrims his tale and he offers them the chance to buy Pardons from him, â€Å"Looke which a seuretee is it to yow alle/ That I am in your felaweshipe yfalle†. It is very cocky of the Pardoner to tell the Pilgrims that they are lucky to have him with them to Pardon their sins after he has already explained, at length, how he is a fraud.He then continues in this brazen manner when he picks on the host spec ifically and says that he can pay first as he has probably committed the most sins, â€Å"I rede that oure Hoost heere shal biginne,/ For he is moot envoluped in sinne†. It is when he is refused and made fun of when he realises that he has given away more of himself than he thought he had. The tale is also very brazen, largely through the blasphemy throughout. The revellers constantly perpetrate oral attacks on Christ’s body, â€Å"That it is grisly for to here he swere./ Oure blissed Lordes body they totere†. The shocking way the rioters plan to kill each other is also brazen. They do not feel guilt or remorse about what they want to do; their minds are clear when they make their plots to stab him with a â€Å"daggere†.In conclusion, I would say that the Pardoner’s tale is very appropriate for him. There are many aspects of it that mirror his personality. This makes the tale very interesting as it almost could have happened to the Pardoner himself if he had been in that situation. The tale also gives more away about himself the Pardoner intended. It seems that he did not make the same connections between himself and the story as the listener does. Pardoner’s tale Essay Thank you for reading this Sample!

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Tiempos de Espera Antes de Solicitar la Ciudadanía

Tiempos de Espera Antes de Solicitar la Ciudadanà ­a Despuà ©s de obtener la residencia permanente hay que esperar, en promedio, cinco aà ±os antes de pedir la naturalizacià ³n. Existen otros factores que se deben considerar como son el nà ºmero de meses que se lleva residiendo en el lugar donde se solicita el proceso y el nà ºmero de meses de presencia fà ­sica en Estados Unidos. Adems de los documentos que el proceso de naturalizacià ³n por residencia requiere, hay que aprobar un examen de conocimientos histà ³ricos y cà ­vicos y demostrar niveles bsicos de inglà ©s escrito y hablado. Diversas organizaciones en todo el paà ­s ayudan, de manera gratuita, a prepararse para el examen. Regla General: Cinco Aà ±os de Espera La regla general es que deben pasar cinco  aà ±os desde la fecha en que se obtiene la green card para convertirse en ciudadano americano por naturalizacià ³n. Dicha fecha est consignada expresamente en la tarjeta de residencia. Quienes obtuvieron su residencia temporal por programas de inversià ³n pueden sumar esos dos aà ±os como temporales a los tres como permanentes. La solicitud (formulario N-400) se puede enviar con un mximo de  90 dà ­as antes de cumplirse dichos aà ±os.   Para cumplir con los requisitos de la naturalizacià ³n hay que: Haber residido en la jurisdiccià ³n de la oficina de USCIS a la que se envà ­a la solicitud durante los tres meses anteriores.Haber residido en Estados Unidos de manera continua durante los à ºltimos cinco aà ±os. Hay que contar con la acreditacià ³n de haber estado presente fà ­sicamente en el paà ­s durante 30 meses de dichos cinco aà ±os. Viajes largos o frecuentes a otros paà ­ses pueden generar problemas. Tiempos de Espera en Casos Especà ­ficos Residentes permanentes casados con ciudadanos: en este caso, los residentes pueden pedir la ciudadanà ­a pasados tres aà ±os desde que obtuvieron la residencia permanente, sin importar cà ³mo la obtuvieron en primer lugar. En este caso tienen haber estado casados por tres aà ±os con el mismo ciudadano (no aplica para viudos de ciudadanos), haber residido los à ºltimos tres meses en la jurisdiccià ³n de la USCIS a la que envà ­an la solicitud, acreditar que han residido en Estados Unidos durante los à ºltimos tres aà ±os y demostrar que han estado en territorio estadounidense durante 18 meses de los tres aà ±os. La persona que se casa con un residente que luego se naturaliza sà ³lo puede contar el plazo de los tres aà ±os a partir de la fecha en que su cà ³nyuge se convirtià ³ en ciudadano. Desde la solicitud hasta la naturalizacià ³n hay que residir en Estados Unidos. Excepciones a dicha regla suceden por maltrato conyugal, cuando el cà ³nyuge  maltratado de un ciudadano se separa y pide para sà ­ mismo la green card por  el programa  VAWA apenas tres aà ±os despuà ©s de haber recibido la residencia permanente. Residentes con Residencia Condicional Previa: en este caso, la fecha en la que se inicia a contar los cinco aà ±os es la del dà ­a en la que se obtuvo la residencia condicional. Asilados: en este caso, el aà ±o en el que se residià ³ como asilado en los Estados Unidos suma para la regla de los cinco aà ±os. Asà ­ que cuatro aà ±os despuà ©s de haber obtenido la residencia permanente, se puede solicitar la ciudadanà ­a. La USCIS hace este computo de manera automtica (rollback). Militares y familiares: en este caso, quienes hayan cumplido con honor su servicio pueden solicitar su ciudadanà ­a un aà ±o despuà ©s de haber iniciado el mismo. Si ya no estn en servicio activo pero se les ha dado licencia con honor tienen seis meses desde dicho dà ­a para solicitar su naturalizacià ³n (si pierden este margen de tiempo deben esperar tres o cinco aà ±os de acuerdo a lo que se explicà ³ anteriormente). Si un militar activo que es ciudadano fallece en su labor, su cà ³nyuge, padres e hijos pueden solicitar la residencia permanente. Y si ya son residentes, pueden aplicar inmediatamente por la ciudadanà ­a. Por otro lado, si un militar que es residente permanente fallece en servicio, sus familiares inmediatos pueden pedir la ciudadanà ­a pà ³stuma y, posteriormente, obtener para ellos mismos beneficios migratorios. Veteranos de Guerra: en este caso, todos quienes sirvieron con honor en cualquiera de las ramas del Ejà ©rcito de los Estados Unidos durante à ©poca declarada de hostilidades  en una de las siguientes guerras pueden pedir la ciudadanà ­a americana despuà ©s de haber servido un sà ³lo dà ­a. Dichas à ©pocas son: Primera Guerra Mundial, Segunda Guerra Mundial, Guerra de Corea, Guerra de Vietnam, Guerra del Golfo Pà ©rsico, operacià ³n Enduring Freedom y la operacià ³n Iraqi Freedom. Este es un artà ­culo informativo, no pretende ser asesorà ­a legal.

Thursday, November 21, 2019


IMAGES ON THE DANGERS OF SMOKING AND ITS EFFECTIVENESS ON SMOKERS - Essay Example The recent attempt of the UK government in providing graphic warning images on cigarette packets are commendable in this respect. The success rate of this attempt in bringing down the addiction level remains a matter of speculation, for both theoretical analysis and empirical facts vary on the efficacy of such methods. Health psychologists believe that addiction is a behavioural disorder and proper health aware ness along with behavioural treatment (Baban & Craciun, 2007) among people might be instrumental in dealing with such addictive behaviour. Addiction to smoking is considered to be health-risk behaviour and calls for intervention. Effective intervention strategy and its implementation on the part of the government establishment are most helpful and fruitful in such cases of public awareness. The style and nature of intervention actually makes the difference in the success rate of goal achievement. Therefore it is imperative that the organisation, government or otherwise adopts the intervention device that could motivate and help the individual addict to get over the addiction permanently. Intervention is generally made by means of a number of intervention models namely the motivation model, behavioural enactment model and the multi-stage model (Baban & Craciun, 2007). What becomes most important is the connection between intervention based behaviour change and improvement in the general perception of a healthy life as pointed out by Abraham and Michie (2008). This particular effort on the part of the government to creat e better awareness by highlighting on the adverse effects of smoking could be termed as motivational intervention. In this case the objective of the intervention by means of some kind of a threat to one’s happiness is to induce a behaviour change and also by so doing motivating one to give it up. The health belief model which is a form of motivational model

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Organization change and Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Organization change and Development - Essay Example ity a solid know as to how things would shape up within the coming times and how success would be achieved with significant changes every now and so often. Organizational development could either be built upon the premise of change on a short term basis or one from the long term standpoint. It gives the stakeholders a close cut feel of the things that might happen over a period of time and which shall take place for the success regimes of the organization essentially. An organization is a subset of the thinking bases of the people who work for it and work within its domains. This organization does not get manifested in any other way apart from the required tasks of the top management and the people who are at the helm of affairs within the related settings. It is important that these people realize what is their responsibility towards the people who work within the organization and who do their best to achieve the goals with limited resources at their disposal (Church 2002). Moreover, organizational significance is manifested time and again by the efforts and endeavors of the people who make things happen within the organization itself. This is a true representation of how things eventually happen for the goodness and sanity that prevails within any organization at the end of the day. Organizational development seems to be a missing link when people are inclined more towards their personal goals and manifestations and hence this is one scenario t hat seems to play a very negative role within the discussion basis for this paper. Change has to come from within in order to be remarked as a positive subset of organizational harmony and accord. Similarly, development is an important consideration – one that is given more and more importance by the top management regimes within any organizational discourse (Sugrue 1999). Organizational studies have long and hard brought the notion of development and change to the fore because this has touched upon deep and incisive

Monday, November 18, 2019

Passion of Apostle Paul Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Passion of Apostle Paul - Research Paper Example He: a. did not pride over his equality with God (Philippians 2:6). b. humbled himself and took the nature of a servant (Philippians 2:7). c. humbled and became obedient to death (Philippians 2:8). 3. Christ’s humility resulted to him being glorified (Philippians 2:9-9-11). a. Was given a name above all names (Philippians 2:9). b. The name will cause all creation, on earth and in heaven to bow (Philippians 2:10). c. The name will cause every tongue to confess that Jesus is Lord, for the Glory of God (Philippians 2:9-11). Passion of Apostle Paul Introduction Jesus said he is the Way, the Truth and Life and no one can go to the father except through in. In other words, he was telling the believers that unless they walked as he did, they would never see God. It is through the acceptance and emulation of the example of Jesus that believers can learn to conform to the mind and ways of Jesus. One character of Jesus that stood out among all was humility and this is well illustrated in Philippians 2:1-11. By possessing this character, it will be very easy for believers to fellowship with each other, living in peace, have unity with Christ and treat each other with love, kindness, patience, while portraying self-lessness, gentleness, goodness. Basically, Philippians 2:1-11 is a call for the believers to emulate the humility of Jesus. Content The book of Philippians was written by Paul to the church of Philippians and by extension, all other Christians. At this time, Paul was in prison in Rome and was writing to thank the church in Philippians for the help they accorded him. He told them about what he went through in Rome and how his suffering helped to spread the gospel. He also used this book to warn them of priding in the flesh, advise them and encourage them to press on in their Christian walk. In Philippians 2:1-11, Paul narrowed his teaching into calling the believers to emulate the humble nature of Christ1. In his writing, Paul is pleading with the Christian s to sum up every good character they had by having the same mind as that of Christ. He went ahead to illustrate of the level of humility Christ had and how this humility cause him and God to be glorified. When Paul was writing this letter, he knew that the believers always longed for the encouragement and comfort that comes through unity with Christ and fellowship with the Holy Spirit. Through these verses, Paul took a step of telling the Philippians that if they really longed for the consolation of the love of Christ, unity with him and fellowship with the spirit, there are some characters they must possess or things they must do for this to be complete 2. Personally, Paul also always longed for the strengthening of the Christians and their maturity in Christianity till they reached the stature of Christ. He knew this was the surest thing that they could qualify them to enter heaven and this would be his joy. He therefore tells them to make his joy complete by possessing the chara cters he was listing to them. In Philippians 2:2, Paul calls on the Christians to be likeminded, have the same love, and be one in spirit and of one mind. By telling them to be likeminded, be one in spirit and mind, Paul was advising them to avoid any differences amongst themselves and have one focus. He was also stressing on the need for unity that would arise if the church became one in the spirit. In this case, if they all waked under the influence of the Holy Spirit. Just as the Holy Spirit is in perfect

Friday, November 15, 2019

Graphene Is The Future Philosophy Essay

Graphene Is The Future Philosophy Essay This report will contain a brief history of, a main body, some properties of and a main description of a material called Graphene. A super material. Within the sub categories and different pages of the report you will come to find out for yourself just how amazing and the seamlessly endless possibilities of this wonderful material. When a new material has been discovered it brings new and exciting times to the scientific and technological world. With a new material you have the opportunities to take a look back on previous unsolved problems and also bring new ones to the table. For the first time ever scientists have been able to isolate single two-dimensional atomic layers of atoms. These are one of if not the thinnest material known to man also just so happens to have the strongest bond in nature, the C-C bond. To accompany the report along the way you will find images and graphics of the super material in its varying form. Also in the report you will come across the properties of graphene and will see that in so many ways that this super material far exceeds possibly all other materials in comparison to itself. A brief description about Graphene Graphene is what we call a 2D material it derives from a single layer of graphite. Its structure is made of carbon atoms arranged in a honeycomb like structure similar to a chicken wire. Even though graphene is the thinnest material today it also is the strongest material today. Graphene conducts electricity as efficiently if not better than copper and has no comparison in its ability to conduct heat. Graphene is almost completely transparent giving it an already futuristic look. The way it breaks down is: Graphite = 3D material Graphene = 2D material Nanotube = 1D material Buckyball = 0D material Brief History Although graphene has been a known material since 1857 and many people have been trying to find a way to work on or produce graphene in a way that could be used commercially an answer was not forthcoming until the work of Andre Geim and Kostya Novoselov. The work that these produced in the University of Manchester in the year of 2007 was to become ground breaking when it came to the super material graphene. Almost everything had been discovered about graphene everything except the properties of the material and this intrigued Andre, who then asked a recently graduated student Kostya in 2002 to see how thin he could make a single piece of graphite by polishing it down. As they could not get thin enough slices the work continued until 2004. At first Kostya could not find a way to get thin enough slices from the graphite, Andre asked his friends and colleagues and a senior member by the name of Oleg Shklyarevskii said to Andre that the piece of tape that they used to peel of layers of graphite would have thinner layers than trying to polish it down. From there on the work on finding the properties of graphene began. Andre Geim and Kostya Novoselov went on to win the Nobel Prize in 2007 in physics for their work they achieved on graphene. Timeline of the most recent entries of grapheme 1947 Graphene first studied as a limiting case for theoretical work on graphite by Phillip Wallace 1966 First attempts to grow multilayer graphite Hess W M and Ban L L also Karu A E and Beer M 1984 Massless charge carriers in graphene pointed out theoretically by Gordon Walter Semenoff , David P. DeVincenzo and Eugene J. Mele 1987 Name graphene first mentioned by S. Mouras and co-workers 2004 Graphene isolated in free form by Andre Geim and Kostya Novoselov 2004 Observation of graphenes ambipolar field effect by Andre Geim and Kostya Novoselov 2005 Anomalous quantum hall effect detected showing massless nature of charge carriers in graphene Andre and Kostya and by Philip Kim and Yuanbo Zhang 2006 Quantum Hall effect seen at room temperature by Novoselov et. Al. 2007 The first ever detection of a single molecule adsorption event by Schedin et. al. 2008 Measurements of extremely high carrier mobility by Bolotin et. al. 2010 Andre and Kostya were awarded the Nobel prize in physics for their work on graphene. Main Body Graphene is the super material that will change the future of this world. Between its outstanding electrical and amazing mechanical properties there is just no other material that even comes remotely close to the potential this material possesses. When Andre and Konstantin revealed their work on graphene not even they could have foreseen what an impact this new and wonderful material would bring to the world. Graphene will forever shape our future. Although graphene at the moment is still not a household name it most indefinitely will be in the very near future. It will be used in almost everything from super-computers to your mobile phone, from separating water from other substances, from creating a futuristic world and to improving the properties of other widely used materials. When the world has found a way of mass producing graphene in a commercial way the world itself will change. Moores law states that computer power will double every 18 months up to and until the point where our silicon can no longer take it passed the barrier, the barrier being that silicon can only conduct electricity at a certain speed, graphene smashes that speed. If you look at the world and technology 10 years ago and think what it is like now there has been a massive change and improvement in the scientific and technological world as we know it. Graphene with its superior properties will take us even further in to the future, on its own and by improving materials and substances of today. Properties of Graphene Although just one atom thick, graphene posses outstanding mechanical, electronic, optical, thermal and chemical properties, described below.  Graphene is a one atom thick sheet made of carbon atoms, arranged in a honeycomb (hexagonal) lattice. Its height was measured to be just 0.33nm, almost one million times thinner than a human hair! Graphene is the ultimate 2-dimensional carbon molecule. Graphite, the well known 3-dimensional carbon allotrope found in our pencils, is nothing more than a stack of several graphene planes. Graphene shares its structure with two other materials which are exciting todays scientists: carbon nanotubes and fullerenes (also called bucky-balls), seen as a 1-dimension and 0-dimension rolled pieces of graphene. Electronic Properties Graphene is a great if not thee best conductor of electrons. The electrons are able to flow through graphene more easily than copper, they travel through the graphene sheet as if they carry no mass, as fast as just one hundredth that of the speed of light. The main material in computer chips today is silicon but in order to create faster and more improved computers we needed a new material to take us there. Graphene is that material Mechanical Properties To calculate the strength of graphene, scientists used a technique called Atomic Force Microscopy. By pressing graphene that was lying on top of circular wells, they measured just how far you can push graphene with a small tip without breaking it. It was found that graphene is harder than  diamond  and about 300 times harder than  steel. To put this into context, it will take the weight of an elephant balanced on a needle-point in order to break this one atom thick fabric! The tensile strength of graphene exceeds 1 TPa. Even though graphene is so robust, it is also very stretchable. You can stretch graphene up to 20% of its initial length. It is expected that graphenes mechanical properties will find applications into making a new generation of super strong composite materials and along combined with its optical properties, making flexible displays. Optical Properties Graphene, despite being the thinnest material ever made, is still visible to the naked eye. Due to its unique electronic properties, it absorbs a high 2.3% of light that passes through it, which is enough that you can see it in air (if you could manage to hold it up!). To help enhance the visibility of graphene flakes we deposit them on to silicon wafers which have a thin surface layer of silicon dioxide. Light shining on to these three-layer structures will be partially transmitted and partially reflected at each interface. This leads to complex optical interference effects such that, depending on the thickness of the silicon-dioxide layer (which we can control to a high degree of accuracy), some colours are enhanced and some are suppressed. This technique takes advantage of the same physics which causes the rainbow effect that you see when you have a thin layer of oil floating on water. In this case, the different colours correspond to longer/shorter optical path lengths that the light has had to travel through the oil film. Those above are the most common attributes of graphene but there are a few more. What you are about to read will come across as something straight out of a science fiction movie or novel, graphene can heal itself thats right heal itself, because of the fact that graphene is only one atomic layer thick it seeks out other atoms to bond to, so it grabs the other graphite atoms around it closing the gap and essentially healing itself. But it doesnt stop there as graphene is so thin it can be placed over other materials giving it a graphene coating which in turn improves the material it has been placed on top of. If you place that membrane of graphene over copper it will almost completely stop the copper rusting creating longer lasting materials. Graphene is tougher than diamond previously thought of as the hardest material on earth and 300 times stronger than steel yet is so ductile than it can bend, paving the way for a future where you can fold up your mobile phone and put it in your pocket. Graphene has also been found able to distil water making it cleaner. The uses for this could almost wipe out diseases spread where water is contaminated, creating healthier and greater living conditions. The list of properties and applications of graphene grow almost on a daily basis and bring with it new and innovative ideas to the world. Future Applications The future applications of graphene are almost limitless, because of the abundance of properties that graphene has people, science and technology will be inventing new and wonderful ways to integrate it into our world. With graphene being so thin yet so strong there are markets for it such paper thin flexible displays for televisions, watches and phones. When it comes to our computers and the chips inside them that are used control them the material that we use is silicon, but there is only so much that silicon can do and so far it can take our computers today, this is where graphene comes in. Graphene because of its amazing electrical properties it will be the material to take our computers into the future. Graphene being so thin it can be cut or crumbled into small flakes and introduced to other materials to make a composite material. If you added the graphene flakes to plastic to make a composite material that way it could be used to make a lighter and conductive material for aircraft making it effective against lightning and because of it being lighter it will also be fuel efficient. Graphene can also be introduced to other material in such a way as a bond, if you bond graphene to the likes of copper it will reduce the amount and time it takes for the copper to oxidise or rust. Thus making the copper last longer and become more efficient. Conclusion Graphene the material that can barely be seen yet will change the world in so many ways. From its unique ability to heal itself to its incredible strength down to its incomparable ability to conduct electricity. This amazing material has no boundaries. Graphene although not yet a household name in many peoples eyes will soon become a well known worldwide phenomenon. Just as everyone wants the new latest technology or gadgets on the market, people will want the new technology, materials and computers that have graphene in them. Graphene the super material has no limits to what it can achieve. With its unbelievable properties and applications in so many fields, the possibilities are endless. Graphene will change our future to cleaning up the water in Africa to making materials that are in use today become more effective and sustainable in a way that if you put a graphene, layer over copper it will reduce the amount of time it takes to oxidize and rust, making it a more efficient material. It can also be used for composite materials so if you take one material and bond it to another it makes a composite material, if you put graphene with a plastic t will create a lightweight material that can withstand lightning which would be extremely useful in aircrafts, making them lighter and more fuel efficient. Graphene has many different properties ranging from the normal to the extreme and to some that even seem straight out of a science fiction novel. Graphene is the material that will make our technology today seem like we have been using caveman techniques for the past 10 years. It is the material that will pick the world up and throw it in to a brighter and better future. Graphene is the future! à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

SEC :: essays research papers

The Internet has transformed the computer and communications world like nothing before. The Internet is also known as the world-wide web, which has the capability of gathering information, and can communicate between individuals and their computers no matter where the geographic location. The Internet started some thirty years ago; it has been one the best investments that researchers have spent their time and commitment on. Today millions of people use the internet. The Internet is a widespread information infrastructure. Its history is complicated and its influence reaches not only to the technical fields of computer communications but throughout society as we move toward increasing the use of online tools to accomplish electronic commerce, information acquisition, and community operations. The Internet History The original name of the Internet was the Arpanet. The internet was based on the idea that there was going to be more than one independent network, with the Arpanet as the ground-breaking packet switching network. The Arpanet would soon include ground based packet radio networks, packet satellite networks, and other networks. In this approach, the choice of any individual network technology was not dictated by particular network architecture but rather could be selected freely by a provider and made to work with the other networks. Up until that time there was only one general method for federating networks. This was the traditional circuit switching method where networks would interconnect at the circuit level, passing individual bits on a synchronous basis along a portion of an end-to-end circuit between a pair of end locations. 1   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  1. Cerf, Vinton Pages 10-20 In 1961 Kleinrock showed that packet switching was a more efficient switching method. Distinctive purpose interconnection preparations between networks were another possibility, along with packet switching. While there were other limited ways to interconnect different networks, they required that one be used as a component of the other. As an open-architecture network, individual networks could be designed separately and developed so each can have its own distinctive interface which it may offer to users and other Internet providers. Each network can be designed in accordance with the specific environment and user requirements of that network. There are typically no constraints on the type of network that can be included. Open architecture networking was introduced by Kahn in 1972, after his arrival at DARPA. This work was originally part of the packet radio program, but then became a separate program in its own right.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Forms of Disciplining a Child

Child discipline is an issue which has raised a lot of concern in the recent past. Differentiating child discipline and child abuse is becoming more difficult with different sectors and individuals differing in this area. However, despite the different views which have been put forward regarding children discipline, instituting discipline in children is vital since it help in developing a sense of self control, respect and also accountability. While the means of instituting discipline are varied, no single method is effective in itself.Also, different children require different approaches of instituting discipline and as such parents should seek the best method which suits their kids. However, while instituting discipline in kids is vital, it may also lead to devastating effects on the entire life of the children and thus parents should be careful of the methods they use in ensuring that their kids are disciplined. Excessive use of force while disciplining kids may result to child ab use and this should be avoided. IntroductionChild discipline refers to the art of systematically giving instructions to the children to help them relate well with their friends and family, behave in a more agreeable manner and granting a child freedom of learning from his or her mistakes by the consequences of his or her decisions. Child discipline involves helping a child develop self discipline, a sense of accountability and also respect towards other people. Discipline should be separated from task performance. By the fact that a child can perform his or her tasks well should not be taken to mean that he or she is disciplined.Discipline has more to do with the behavior a child exhibits in certain situations rather than the ability to perform tasks. Heated debates have been rising as to whether instituting discipline is a form of child abuse and whether parents have the authority to discipline their kids as they may deem fit or necessary. While discipline is necessary for all chil dren, it should be instituted in a manner that is beneficial to the children. Parents have no explicit authority to discipline their children using excessive force or crude disciplinary measures (Lenton, 1990).The research paper will evaluate the importance of spanking and privileges removal as forms of disciplinary measures. Child discipline As noted earlier, discipline involves helping and guiding the children to develop and exercise self control. However, most people are opposed to the idea that discipline is the key development factor of responsible persons in the future. Some of the children with good disciplinary backgrounds do not live to the standards they are taught in their early stages. Despite this argument, setting limits for the children and correcting any misbehavior is vital in developing a responsible person even in the future.Most of the grown ups today attribute their discipline to the stringent measures which were taken on them when they were young. As such, chil d discipline is vital in ensuring that children grow to be responsible persons in their adult life. Moreover, vices and virtues are learnt and failing to discipline a child would lead to vices being enhanced in them. Discipline helps in development of healthy practices and virtues in the future. Instituting discipline is also very vital since it helps learn to develop health relationships with his or her family and friends.How to deal with different temperaments is an aspect which is learnt and is thus not inborn. Accepting other people’s ideas and way of performing tasks requires deliberate effort which children lack and if not guided, they tend to be disrespectful. Children also believe that they must always have their ideas accepted and followed always. To remove such mentality, removing some privileges when a child does not do as expected is vital. Discipline is thus vital in ensuring thus such important values are learnt and adhered to.Training a child to be disciplined thus helps him or her to learn how to deal with different kinds of personalities and situations. Most of the undisciplined adults in the society are as a result of lack of disciplinary measures while they were children (Telep, 1999). Discipline involves encouraging children by instructing and guiding them to appreciate themselves and influencing the way they regard themselves. Developing a person’s self esteem is essential in ensuring and enhancing the productivity and in determining successfulness of an individual. The future of the children is based on the kind of guidance they receive from their parents.Discipline unlike the highly held believe is does not always negative. It can be instituted in a manner to enhance important characteristics. Commenting about a positive behavior about a child within his or her presence is one way of enhancing a behavior. When children are not disciplined well, they face challenges of self esteem as their behavior is often challenged by the society thus lowering their self esteem. Such individuals have problems while dealing with other people and tend to be insecure about their capabilities as well as those of other people.Positive discipline is thus essential in improving the self esteem of a child and thus should be instituted. However, such credit should not be exaggerated to reduce the effects of overconfidence which may arise (Utay & Utay, 2005). The question of whether child discipline is a form of child abuse has been raising many debates of late. While most people agree that disciplining children is not a form of child abuse, some strongly feel that it is child abuse. Whether discipline is child abuse or not depends on the circumstance surrounding a certain case and the mode of disciplining a child is subjected to by his parents or guardians.Moderate disciplinary actions may not amount to child abuse but extreme physical and psychological abuse may amount to child abuse. Spanking has been on the spot with most people arguing that this amount to a form of child abuse. However, it has its own advantages in instituting discipline (Gootman, n. d). Child abuse occurs when the force exerted when disciplining a child becomes too much. This is however ambiguous as how much force may amount to abuse depends on an individual’s view.Discipline is however different from child abuse in that while discipline is meant to enhance positive behavior, child abuse leads to bodily harm and mental torture. In today’s world, most parents have branded discipline as abuse and that is why most of the children are arrested and are serving in the juvenile jails. Spanking for example has received negative publicity and even children are suing their parents for abuse. Spanking has been one of the most effective disciplinary measures in the past and has helped shape most of the lives of prominent persons.Children fear to be spanked and thus any behavior which may lead to such disciplinary acts are avoide d. Spanking only becomes abuse when it is done in a manner deemed to be harmful to the child’s health and mental state or capability. However, the child should be made to understand the reason behind the punishment prior to its administration. A parent cannot claim to have been disciplining his or her child by injuring him or her. Despite the thin line between abuse and discipline, â€Å"effective† discipline does not amount to child abuse.Disciplining children should not be viewed as punishing them or abusing them unless the effects of such actions are detrimental to the health and future development of a child. Discipline should be instituted on all children to help correct bad behaviors and to help shape their character (Telep, 1999). Discipline as mentioned above may amount to abuse if not carefully handled. However, parents can ensure discipline in their children without actually abusing them. One way to ensure that discipline does not amount to abuse is by using first setting limits for the children on what they can and what they cannot do.Disciplinary measures to be taken should be enlisted thus ensuring the child understands the consequences of his or her behavior. Disciplinary measures which do not amount to abuse include acts like denying the child some rights after doing something wrong. A child may be denied a chance to go and play with other children if he or she does not do his homework. This is a form of disciplinary measure which does not raise issues of abuse (Lenton, 1990). Discipline may also be instituted using more positive means like encouraging a child to behave in a particular manner by rewarding or appreciating him or her.Discipline unlike many parents believes should not always constitute the negative side. Discipline may also be attained through reinforcement of some good behavior. Also by discussing issues with the children may also help institute a sense of responsibility in them. Issuing orders and scolding to childr en passes the message that children are unable to think for themselves and this may lead to low self esteem. Instead, parents should encourage dialogue (Keep Kids Healthy, 2001). Despite the arguments that parents should not discipline their children as they may deem fit, this may apply is some instances.Parents know their children better than anybody else and so they understand the different temperaments exhibited by these children. Different children require different forms of disciplinary action and thus the parent is the best person to decide what form of action is best for his children. Also children respect more what they are told by their parents and any deterrent act to reinforce discipline is bound to be taken seriously by the children. Most of the adults today remember tough measure being taken by their parents to institute discipline which helped in shaping their future lives.Though measures taken by parents may at times seem harsh, they bear better fruits in the future a nd thus parents should have autonomy while instituting discipline on their children (Lenton, 1990). Conclusion Discipline is vital for any child as it helps raise a responsible person in the future and should be instituted by the parents. The question of discipline raises a lot of controversy regarding what constitutes sufficient disciplinary measures and what may amount to child abuse. Parents also face problems in deciding the best way to ensure discipline in their children without affecting their development or mental stability.While spanking was an effective method in the past, it is being ruled out especially by psychological experts arguing that it is not effective in ensuring discipline. More non-physical methods of instituting a sense of responsibility are being advocated today with dialogue and appreciation being highly preferred. However, one method may not be appropriate for all children. A parent should combine different methods and evaluate which one works for his child ren. Scolding, use of abusive language and physical torture should not be used for ensuring discipline as they affects the ego and self esteem of the children in the long run. Reference: Gootman, M. E. (n. d): How to Teach Your Children Discipline. Retrieved on 19th February 2009 from, Lenton, R. L. (1990): Techniques of Child Discipline and Abuse by Parents. Journal article of Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology, Vol. 27 Telep, V. (1999): Discipline for Young Children. Retrieved on 19th February 2009 from, Utay, J. & Utay, C. (2005): Improving Social Skills: A Training Presentation to Parents. Journal article of Education, Vol. 126

Friday, November 8, 2019


TRIANGLE FIRE essays Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire, NY, NY-1911 Near closing time on Saturday afternoon, March 25, 1911, a fire broke out on the top floors of the Asch Building in the Triangle Shirtwaist Company. Within minutes, the quiet spring afternoon erupted into madness, a terrifying moment in time, disrupting forever the lives of young workers. By the time the fire was over, 146 of the 500 employees had died. The survivors were left to live and relive those agonizing moments. The victims and their families, the people passing by who witnessed the desperate leaps from ninth floor windows, and the City of New York would never be the same. The images of death were seared deeply in their mind's eyes. Many of the Triangle factory workers were women, some as young as 15 years old. They were, for the most part, recent Italian and European Jewish immigrants who had come to the United States with their families to seek a better life. Instead, they faced lives of grinding poverty and horrifying working conditions. As recent immigrants struggling with a new language and culture, the working poor were ready victims for the factory owners.( The Triangle Waist Company was one of the largest shirtwaist manufacturers at the time of the fire. Located in the top three floors of the ten-story Asch Building in Greenwich Village, it usually employed 900 workers. On the day of the fire, only between 500 to 600 workers were there. When the fire was out, 146 were dead. How the fire started no one knows. On the three upper floors of the building were 600 employes of the waist company, 500 of whom were girls. . The fire began small, but attempts to put it out failed. The fire jumped from debris pile to debris pile, eating up the fabric used in making the shirtwaists. The workers began to rush to the stairways and elevators. Some made it down the eight flights of stairs, though at least one door leading to the stair...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Consumer attitude towards the services of Gulf Air Airline of Qatar

Consumer attitude towards the services of Gulf Air Airline of Qatar Gulf Air, Road to ExcellenceTo better understand the attitudes of travelers towards the overall services of Gulf Air in Qatar, we conducted a survey on October 1995, to discover attitudes of travelers and accordingly organize general findings. We wrote a questionnaire to assist us in the design of the promotional strategy which would induce change and create new and improved image of Gulf Air. (questionnaire Exhibit 1)Scope and limitations:The Questionnaire included 28 questions and it incorporated many question forms to avoid bias in answers and to ensure complete coverage of related services to customers. We used Yes/No questions, multiple choice, and open ended questions. Questionnaire was split between traveling related questions and gender questions.Because of time constraint and the lack of manpower, the survey used only a total of 33 respondents. Also questions were not pre-tested for overall cohesion and error-free biases design. We selected respondents from different backgro unds and nationalities to cover a more large sample.Gulf Air Boeing 747-200The findings of the survey may contains mistakes, unqualified answers due to the fact that many respondents were not trained well to participate in a survey before. Although there were diverse answers to the questionnaire, most respondents provided input with ease and truthfulness.Questionnaire FindingsQuestion 2) 49% of respondents traveled once a year, and 24% traveled twice, and 24% travel three times a year.Question 3) All respondents use the airplane as their main mode of transportationQuestion 4) The following destinations were most traveled by respondents:Jordan, USA, Europe, India, Philippines, UAE, Sudan, Egypt,Sri Lanka, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia.Question 5) 75% of respondents have an average trip between two weeks, and Two months.Question 6) All respondents uses Gulf Air when traveling in the Gulf.Question 7) When asked about the airline that travel...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Physical Development in Infancy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Physical Development in Infancy - Essay Example Infants grow and learn incredibly during their first five years. Parents and caretakers must be ready to provide active and intended care and attention to infants’ preschools years. Early learning at this stage must be considered to be of utmost importance since it forms the basis for future learning. In order for caregivers to provide proper and useful teachings to their young ones, it is imperative to understand child development. Every human being is unique developmentally and this makes development change a very basic truth in human growth. Universal principles of human development do exist but the fact remains that there are no two completely alike children. Differences among children are exhibited in the physical, social, emotional and cognitive patterns of growth. Children also show differences in their ways of interacting with the environment surrounding them, how they play, and their affection towards different things among many other factors. This means that some will show signs of happiness and energy most times while others may exhibit a personality of calmness all the time. Activity and quietness may also differ among different children. It is therefore important for caregivers to understand the patterns of development so as to be equipped to assist and offer attention to their children. This paper looks at the development of infancy from the physical point of view. Physical development refers to physical changes in the body. This entails changes in bone thickness, size, weight, gross motor, fine motor, vision, hearing, and perceptual development (Ruffin, 2009). According to Ruffin (2009), development means growth that happens in a child from the time of birth to adolescence. These changes happen in a sequence that is orderly in nature. This sequence involves emotional, physical and cognitive development. These changes occur in patterns that can be predicted depending with the age of the individual. They differ in timing

Friday, November 1, 2019

What inferences can you draw from this passage What are the Assignment

What inferences can you draw from this passage What are the implications - Assignment Example Such persons will work with very limited supervision and does quality work thus improving the firm’s reputation. Such hardworking employees often get promoted to higher ranks (Peterson, 1988). On the other hand, an ambitious employee feels motivated and yearns to achieve the set goals. Such a person strives to ensure that he meets the required standards of his work place and acts as a motivating factor to other workers. Such motivated workforce leads to improved output of the organization. Moreover, a contentious employee is also dependable (Peterson, 1988). They are willing to work with each other in the firm. They can help fellow workmates in doing their duty in case there is need. Conversely, if a person is not conscientious, he will be lazy, non-dependable and not ambitious (Peterson, 1988). Such persons are a nuisance to the organization and will lead to a decline in the general output of the organization. Furthermore, another important trait is emotional stability. Just like the first case, a person who is calm, self-controlled and secure will have great positive implications to the organization (Peterson, 1988). A person who is self-controlled will always work with other employees at all situations. They know how to control their emotions and can help each other solve their problems. A secure employee works with more confidence in him (Peterson, 1988). Such employees will yield more positive results to the firm. Calmness is a virtue that calls for gentleness. Such a person earns great respect from the clients and workmates thus an improvement to the firm’s reputation (Peterson, 1988). Conversely, an employee who lacks self-confidence, is not secure, and is rude. Such will lead to destruction of the firm’s reputation thus impacts in low income to the